- serverXXX
- userXXX
- passwordXXX
option explicit dim ws, fso, ftp, lines, regex, line, outfile, outfilename, errmsg set ws = createobject("wscript.shell") set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set ftp = ws.Exec("ftp -vn") set regex = new regexp regex.Global=true regex.Pattern="\/|:" outfilename = regex.Replace(formatdatetime(now, 0) & ".txt", ".") set outfile = fso.CreateTextFile(outfilename) outfile.writeline "####open" execCommand "open serverXXX" if false = readWait ("220 ", "incorrect.") then msgbox "login error" ws.quit end if outfile.writeline "####user" execCommand "user userXXX passwordXXX" if false = readWait ("230 ", "incorrect.") then msgbox "login error" ws.quit end if outfile.writeline "####search start" searchDir "." execCommand "quit" outfile.writeline errmsg ws.Run """" & outfilename & """" function searchDir(name) searchDir = true execCommand "dir " & name if false = readWait ("226 ", "No such file or directory") then errmsg = errmsg & lines & vbcrlf searchDir=false exit function end if regex.Pattern = "([^ \t]+)" for each line in split(lines, vbcrlf) dim matches, matche0, matche1, dirname set matches = regex.Execute(line) if right(line,1) <> "." and _ right(line,2) <> ".." and _ left(line,1) = "d" and _ matches.count > 8 then '9番目以降はファイル名なので結合 dirname = mid(line, matches(8).firstindex + 1) execCommand "cd """ & dirname & """" & vbcrlf & "pwd" if true = searchDir (".") then execCommand "cd .." end if next end function sub execCommand(cmd) ftp.StdIn.Writeline cmd outfile.writeline cmd wscript.sleep 100 end sub function readWait(waitstring, errorstring) lines = "" readWait = true do while 1 <> instr(line, waitstring) '行頭にwaitstring line = Replace(ftp.StdOut.readline, vbcr, "") lines = lines & line & vbcrlf if instr(line, errorstring) then readWait=false outfile.writeline lines exit do end if loop 'lines = removeGomi(lines) outfile.writeline lines end function function removeGomi(str) dim matches 'regex.Pattern = "^([0-9]+[ .])+(.*command successful)" 'set matches = regex.Execute(str) 'if matches.count then str = matches(0).submatches(1) regex.Pattern = "\r\r" '何故かcrが2つ含まれている行対応 removeGomi = regex.Replace(str, "") end function